Primary Care
Maniilaq Health Services (MHS) provides comprehensive primary health care including medical, nursing and community health services based out of the Maniilaq Health Center in Kotzebue, and village health clinics located in each of our communities. Maniilaq Health Services is accredited by the Joint Commission.
Maniilaq Health Services’ mission is to provide comprehensive health care to the people in our service area while promoting prevention, fitness, wellness, holistic strategies and incorporating local traditional core values and beliefs. It is our vision that “All customers of MHS including its employees are empowered and involved partners in its high quality services and healing atmosphere”. We are a family of care, helping every person live a healthier lifestyle.
To schedule an appointment please call the Appointment Desk 907-442-7777.
Outpatient Services
Clinic hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
For appointments call: 907-442-7777
This department is designed to meet all of the primary care, pediatric and women’s health needs of the Northwest Borough and Point Hope. Services are provided by Physicians, Nurse Practioners, Midwives and Nurses. The outpatient department serves as the Doctor’s Office for our community. Clients are grouped into teams, which consist of a Provider, Nurse and Case Manager to maintain continuity of care. MHC is able to provide all services from Prenatal care to Geriatrics. The outpatient department has access to many auxiliary services such as Lab, X-ray, Physical Therapy and Specialty consultants both local and in Anchorage to meet our care needs. The outpatient department must meet community goals through the Government Performance and Reporting Act (GPRA) to insure quality health care is being provided to the community. Maniilaq Health Center met 100% of these goals in 2015. Appointments are taken Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm excluding national holidays.
Inpatient Services
Contact: 907-442-7304
Maniilaq Health Center provides inpatient services to the community in a 17-bed comprehensive medical/telemetry care unit; which includes a low stimulation room to address behavioral health needs as well as a standalone OB department. MHC’s OB department consists of four of these beds in a separate obstetric/labor and delivery unit that includes a newborn nursery and two birthing rooms. The inpatient unit also provides palliative care services to the community. MHC upholds a unique practice in rural Alaska. Rather than caring for a specific population or a specific practice, the MHC nurse must have knowledge and experience to care for the population across the lifespan in all areas of treatment services provided by the hospital.
Community Health Aide/Practitioner (CHAP) Program
Click here for contact information for Village Clinics.
CHAPs are the primary care providers at the Maniilaq Health Services village clinics. The Community Health Aide Practitioner program is unique only to the State of Alaska. This program was built to help serve the people in Rural Alaskan Villages to meet their medical care needs. The services that a CHA/P provides include Acute, Chronic, Preventive, and Emergency Care. Each CHA/P, depending on their level of training, either communicates with a mid-level provider or an MD, or uses the Community Health Aide Manual (CHAM) Medical Standing Orders to decide the best care or treatment for their patients.
To contact the CHAP Program, please call 907-442-7161 or fax us at 907-442-7250.
Pharmacy hours: 9:00 am-6:00 pm, closed from 12:15-1:15 pm
Refill hotline: 907-442-7070
The Maniilaq Health Center Pharmacy aims at providing safe and high quality patient care in an atmosphere of professionalism, respect, and effective communication. We offer a full spectrum of services for patients and families in a patient centered setting using collaborative practices to achieve optimal outcomes. We strive to be an integral member of the healthcare team responsible for the outcomes associated with the medication use process and to foster an environment designed to advance knowledge of the rational use of medications.
The pharmacy is divided into three areas:
- Outpatient Pharmacy is designed to help meet the outpatient medication needs of patients in our region. These services are extended to discharged patients, patient seen in our Outpatient Department and Emergency room as well as providing pharmacy services to Utuqqanaat Inaat.
- Inpatient Pharmacy Services provides clinical services including renal drug monitoring and adjusting, drug interaction monitoring, therapeutic drug monitoring, medication order review and verification and drug information support for providers.
- Village Pharmacy Services: Using Pick Point Telepharmacy system, we provide comprehensive pharmacy services and products remotely to the surrounding villages. Using proven technology and methodology improves accuracy, safety and efficiency of medication delivery in remote area.
Across all these areas, we provide a range of clinical services including a pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic, diabetes clinic and an antibiotic stewardship.
Dental Clinic hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
For appointments call: 907-442-7325
Maniilaq Dental is here to meet the needs of every patient in the Maniilaq Service Area. We offer a full line of services from endodontics, oral surgery and prosthodontics as well as pediatric care needs. Please contact us at (907) 442 7325 to schedule your exams and cleanings twice yearly and any of your other Dental needs. Click here for more information.
Regional Eye Clinic
Clinic hours: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
For appointments call: 907-442-7276
The Regional Eye Clinic is overseen by Dr. Meagan Lincoln. The Eye Clinic provides examination of patient vision and eyes for diagnosis of vision abnormalities, disease or abnormalities of the eye, and administers medical treatment for ocular disease and injury. A variety of fashionable eyewear is available along with fittings for frames, contact lenses and optical aides.
Physical Therapy
Clinic hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
For appointments, call: 907-442-7777 or contact your case management team
The Physical Therapy department at Maniilaq Health Center has adopted the Alaska Physical Therapy Association’s vision for the profession of physical therapy – “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.”
MHC Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion following injury/illness. We provide outpatient, inpatient and long-term care/SNF Physical Therapy services. Pain-free movement is crucial to your quality of daily life, your ability to earn a living, your ability to pursue your favorite leisure activities, and so much more.
Physical therapy services are accessed through a referral from your primary care provider.
Clinic hours: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
For appointments call: 907-442-7222
The Radiology department provides Diagnostic Radiology Services, including routine X-rays, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, mammography, CT scans, EKGs and pulmonary function tests to the residents of Northwest Alaska. The Radiology department is state of the art, filmless, fully digital and exams are transmitted via Teleradiology to our Radiologist for interpretation, or to specialists at ANMC for consultation when necessary. Quality assurance is maintained in the Radiology Department through the online Strategic Quality Support System (SQSS). The program is ACR-FDA accredited and fully staffed.
Contact: 907-442-7205
Maniilaq Health Center (MHC) Laboratory is a customer-focused team of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing high-quality, accurate, and timely test results. The Laboratory is accredited by The Joint Commission, which is the gold-standard of laboratory quality and patient safety. Our team of professionals offers a wide range of diagnostic services in chemistry, hematology, coagulation, urinalysis, immunology, microbiology, phlebotomy, and transfusion medicine. These valuable services support providers at MHC and the 11 sub-regional clinics to provide the highest quality healthcare to our Alaska Native Community and all those served by Maniilaq Association. Overall, more than 70% of diagnoses are based on laboratory test results. We are proud of our state of the art Laboratory and we are pleased to be recognized as an integral part of the Maniilaq Healthcare System.