We’d like to hear from you.

Please leave your name, email, subject line and message in the contact form below. Do not use the contact form below in case of an emergency or for medical advice. Please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. For patient feedback and complaints, please fill out this form and email it to patientadvocacy@maniilaq.org. Scroll down for the contact information for our Maniilaq Service Area village clinics and Patient Advocacy.

    Contact Information

    Please call 911 for emergencies.


    1-800-431-3321 (within Alaska) or 907-442-3321
    P.O. Box 256, 733 2nd Avenue
    Kotzebue, AK 99752


    1-800-431-3321 (within Alaska) or 907-442-3321
    P.O. Box 43, 436 5th Avenue
    Kotzebue, AK 99752

    Human Resources

    907-442-7660 or HumanResources@maniilaq.org

    Behavioral Health Services

    907-442-7640 or BHS@maniilaq.org
    PO Box 256, 733 2nd Avenue Kotzebue, AK 99752


    Please scroll down for more information.


    Phone: 907-442-7373

    More contact information is available below.

    Ambler Clinic

    Main line: 907-445-2129
    110 Main St. / P.O. Box 110 Ambler, AK 99786

    Buckland – Tigautchiaq Amainiq Health Clinic

    Main line: 907-494-2222
    9 Hillside Rd / P.O. Box 9 Buckland, AK 99727

    Deering – Pauline Aliitchaq Barr Health Clinic

    Main line: 907-363-2137
    23 Main St / P.O. Box 23 Deering, AK 99736

    Kiana Clinic

    Main line: 907-475-2199
    130 Casanoff Way / P.O. Box 130 Kiana, AK 99749

    Kivalina Clinic

    Main line: 907-645-2141
    8 Bering St / P.O. Box 8 Kivalina, AK 99750

    Kobuk Clinic

    Main Line: 907-948-2218
    51003 Main St. / P.O. Box 3 Kobuk, AK 99751

    Noatak – Esther Barger Memorial Health Clinic

    Main Line: 907-485-2162
    90 Aaksaik Rd. / P.O. Box 90 Noatak, AK 99761

    Noorvik – Sally Harvey Memorial Clinic

    Main Line: 907-636-2103
    1897 Tundra Way / P.O. Box 189 Noorvik, AK 99763

    Point Hope Clinic

    Main Line: 907-368-2234
    1729 Qalgi Ave / P.O. Box 49 Point Hope, AK 99766

    Selawik Clinic

    Main Line: 907-484-2199
    #3 Adams Landing – Old / P.O. Box 180 Selawik, AK 99770

    Shungnak Clinic

    Main Line: 907-437-2138
    80 Back St. / P.O. Box 80 Shungnak, AK 99773

    Patient Advocacy

    For patient feedback and complaints, please fill out this form and email it to patientadvocacy@maniilaq.org.

    Mildred “Millie” Stalker (Anchorage)
    Patient Support
    Phone: 907-444-8736

    Makayla Walluk (Anchorage)
    Patient Support
    Phone: 907-444-8736

    The Maniilaq Association Patient Advocacy can help with the following: Care team conference, medical financial assistance (from IRAs, NANA Regional Corporation, Northwest Arctic Borough), communicating with healthcare providers, supporting patients’ rights, assistance finding support or resources, filing a formal complaint, travel Committee, durable medical equipment, bereavement support and services, 5 wishes advance directive.

    Need help? Please get in touch with one of our Patient Advocates or email patientadvocacy@maniilaq.org. For patient feedback and complaints, please fill out this form and email it to patientadvocacy@maniilaq.org.

    Ethics and Compliance

    Report an Ethics or Compliance Concern or call the 24/7 hotline at 1-855-228-2675
    Report a Patient Safety Event with the Joint Commission

    Pricing TransparencyNotice of Privacy Practices

    Health Services

    Appointment Desk 907-442-7777

    Inpatient Services 907-442-7304

    MHC Pharmacy 907-442-7182 Refill hotline 907-442-7070

    Public Health Nursing (PHN) 907-442-7144

    Dental Department 907-442-7325

    Optometry Department 907-442-7274

    Physical Therapy Appointments 907-442-7777

    Radiology Department 907-442-7222

    Laboratory Department 907-442-7205

    Travel Department 907-442-7479

    Community Health Aide/Practitioner (CHA/P) Program 907-442-7161 Fax: 907-442-7250

    Injury Prevention Program 907-442-7172

    Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program 907-442-7181

    Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Training Program 907-442-7241

    Tobacco Prevention Program Vacant

    Diabetes Program 907-442-7455

    Health Information Services / Medical Records 907-442-7299 Fax: 907-442-7315

    Social Services

    Behavioral Health Services 907-442-7640 or BHS@maniilaq.org

    Tribal Vocational Rehab 907-475-2291

    Wellness Program 907-442-7640 ext. 6105

    Social Medicine 907-442-7604

    Rural Alcohol Prevention (RAP) 907-442-7691

    Putyuk Children’s Home 907-442-7582

    Counseling and Recovery Center (CRC) 907-442-7640

    Developmental Disabilities (DD) Program 907-442-7035

    Elder Services 907-442-7935

    Hardship Mitigation Project 907-442-7619

    Lake Street House and Aqqaimmuk House 907-442-7034

    Developmental Disabilities Resources Connection (DDRC) 907-442-7730

    Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury Program (TABI) 907-442-7887

    Tribal Government Services

    Workforce Development 907-442-7021 or WFDStaff@maniilaq.org

    Family Crisis Center (FCC) Intervention Line: 907-442-3969 Toll-Free: 1-888-478-3969

    Family Crisis Center (FCC) Main Office: 907-442-3724

    Realty Services 907-442-7623 Toll- Free: 1-800-478-3312

    Probate Services 907-442-7782